T.M. Haddock

Telling people about yourself usually requires having a clear identity and strong sense of self.  Although I’ve always known who I was (debugged and upgraded versions of me notwithstanding), my lack of sharing about that girl had less to do with self-uncertainty and mystique, and more to do with the fact that I’m truly a private person at heart.

Still, for the sake of a proper ABOUT THE AUTHOR page:

I am Business Financial Analyst, Certified Financial Educator, Human Resources and Diversity Practitioner, Board Member, and Consultant.  Those are all titles that indicate my successes in positively influencing corporate decisions based on financial and human currency.

In addition to my passion and zeal for writing stories that highlight very real, normal, and worthy life experiences that are seldom elevated in the mainstream, I created TMH Tees apparel and The Fiscalsis; two very different business models, but both serving to highlight and support female excellence.

FAQs about M-O-I (moi, me, yours truly)    

Where were you born:  In Honolulu, Hawaii but spent the majority of my formative years back east.

What is your family background:  We are Black Americans, descendants of enslaved West and Central Africans.  We are West Indians but I’ve recently discovered an additional RICH (and conflicting) genealogical history.  This knowledge (loosely) shapes a lot of the character identities in my books.

Education:  I had the unique opportunity to attend a PWI and an HBCU. I will always love the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs, Sic’ em, Woof, Woof, Woof!), but I earned my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an Accounting Concentration from the School of Business and Industry at Florida A&M University.

What are some of your writing influences:  Familiar and real-life experiences.  I think people would be surprised to find out how interesting and book-worthy their lives actually are.

Who are your favorite authors:  I read everything.  I love authors from Jane Austen, Chinua Achebe and Edgar Allan Poe to Beverly Jenkins, J.K. Rowling, Theodora Taylor, Jojo Moyes, Shannon Dianne, Suzanne Collins and K. Alex Walker.  Clearly not a comprehensive list, but certainly these are talented writers who I read and circle back to frequently.

For a deeper dive, explore my various social media platforms: