Today’s Independence Day celebrations in The States typically bring to mind just as many commercial descriptors as reverential ones. What, with an ensuing 4-day weekend, massive holiday sales, sumptuous grilled meats and fiery sky explosions, who wouldn’t want to celebrate a day that allows for equal parts rest, relaxation and entertainment?
And granted, while there is nothing wrong with the idea of a nation commemorating a day that represents their fight and ultimate autonomy from a tyrannical monarchy, is anyone really surprised that the concept of July 4th has deviated from historical observation and has instead become one of, if not the largest government sanctioned party holidays? Just the notion of this country celebrating the liberation of its inhabitants is a bit of an ironic dichotomy, wouldn’t you say; the free who fought, bled and died for their rights, yet continued to hold fast to the practice of the enslavement of the others?
But accountability, defense and shame (or the lack thereof) are not the point of this post. Today’s day off from work and the amazing opportunity to catch up on ten hours of live Wimbledon broadcasting has actually been an occasion for me to reflect on what it means to truly be free.
Merriam Webster has already provided an essential point of reference:
\ ˈfrē-dəm \
1: the quality or state of being free: such as
a: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action
b: liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another :INDEPENDENCE
To that end, when I think of freedom, I am reminded of a few things…
1. I am blessed to have developed (and can exercise) my own point of view.
2. The decisions that I make begin and end with me.
3. My dissent is patriotic.
4. I can disapprove of MANY things about this country and still have every right to BELONG here.
5. I can pursue financial ambitions and societal initiatives all while existing unashamedly in my perfected God form.
6. Freedom belongs to everyone or no one.
7. While I understand that none of us are free in the literal sense, we have all been bestowed the will and aspiration to work toward its achievement.
So, with those prompts in mind, I can assuredly wish each of you a Happy July 4th.
You know, because…freedom.